Tuesday 29 April 2008

Vaccination time

It's going to be another early start tomorrow, as I have booked Hugo and Miss Eve to see Dani, one of the vets, for their myxi vaccination. In fact, I am not sure if they're going to have the myxi or the VHD vaccination tomorrow, since both have never been given the latter at the shelters where they spent some time before coming here.
In addition, Hugo has been sneezing quite a lot recently, and Miss Eve's nose seems to be constantly humid, a bit like a dog, so... I am hoping that it is not pasteurella!

On the knitting front, I am making progress with the "Drops Jacket":

Casting on

The back and the left front are done, and now I am halfway through the right front. Not long and I shall be casting on for the sleeves! The not so positive side is that I have not knitted on the shawl for my sister for a while... all those stitches are making it difficult to knit a row only, and my excuse is that I am not going soon to visit, so it doesn't matter if I put it aside for a bit, right?


Anonymous said...

i didn't realize you get buns vaccinated. i've never taken mine, i hope they are ok :-)

YowlYY said...

They do in the UK. I used to live in Germany before moving here, and my vet there never hinted at a vaccination, but then I had never heard of houserabbits dying of myxomatosis or VHD there, while here in the UK we get updates on outbreaks of both...last year we even had a dozen cases in Hucknall, which is just a few miles up the road from where we live...

Deb Cushman said...

This vaccination thing sounds scary -- but that myxomatosis and pasteurella sound scarier!

L.Bo Marie said...

oh man, I'm glad those aren't common viruses here!
re: those two sets of ears, yup, those are my two house buns, they are in charge.

Anonymous said...

wow - thanks for the info. i looked it up and it sounds awful - i'm glad they have a vaccine for it for you.