Monday 21 January 2008

FO: Wisp

Yes, it's finished... but I don't have a pic of it yet, because the weather has been absolutely miserable today.
So, instead of Wisp, here's Hugo:

Yes, it's my front door...

He's so much cuter than a scarf anyway ;-)


RG said...

Yes, he is cute! And, we gentlemen prefer bunnies!!!!

Süßstoff said...

You are right. He's so cute - no scarf could top that!
Hat er am Karton geknabbert? Wie lange dauert es bis er ihn ganz zerlegt hat?

...Now I still want to see Wisp! The weather is awful here too. I desperately hope for a change.

Deb Cushman said...

Hugo looks very contented -- like he's eaten a great meal and needs to rest for just a minute...

Alice said...

re: liberty's knitting fabric

Sorry, I bought that fabric on the first day of their sale (and I was second person through the habidashary door) - I just hadn't blogged about it. They do keep back fabric for the next sales though, so worth remembering for the summer.

YowlYY said...

Thanks Alice :) I shall keep my eyes peeled next time I visit London when they are having a sale.