Dear friends,
Sadly, despite all the vibes and thoughts you kindly sent over, and were well received, my Hugo boy has crossed the bridge this morning, shortly after I left him at the vets to start the fluids therapy.
The diagnosis was the feared enterotoxaemia, an infection with little chance of survival for the bunnies. The vet supposed that the tooth infection had already migrated to the bloodstream, and the antibiotic wasn't enough to keep it at bay, despite the dosage. The other possibility is that the antibiotic, killing some batteria, also got some good bacteria from the guts, creating an imbalance resulting in the enteritis. I guess I will never know, because I am not going to have a postmortem done.
Miss Eve said goodbye to him - I put him in the living room with the carrier, so she could see where he was - and kept returning to see him every now and then. She seemed to have accepted that he was gone, but when I put down the green plastic tube to keep her occupied while I was cleaning the floor of the crate, she rushed in and out sniffing and making a tiny sound that she normally does when thumping, something she does when she's disapproving of me...poor girl, she was looking for him, smelling his scent but not seeing him anywhere as the smell suggested... it was so heartbreaking...
Off now downstairs to keep some company to Miss Eve... sleep tight, my Hugo bunny...