Monday, 7 January 2008

New year

No new year resolutions, apart from one... to procrastinate less! I will try, but cannot guarantee that I will be successful!

In loving memory of

Nik (28.11.2003 - 26.09.2007)

Billie (14.08.2001-30.09.2007)

On the 17th of November 2007, after much thinking, we visited Julie's Rabbit and Guinea Pig Welfare to see if we could adopt a bunny, as the living room was too empty without a lagomorph... we left Rugby with Hugo:

Hugo is quite the star... he brought back the smiles and laughter in the house, and I am sure that
from the Rainbow Bridge country, Nik, Billie and Sir Harvey approve of our new adopted bunny.
More on Hugo's story soon...


Ninni said...

Lovely bunnies, sorry to hear that some have gone to bunny heaven. My mom called me after Christmas, her older cat had passed away (she was very sick so it wasn't a real surprise) :( I miss her already.

As much as I sometimes am fed up with our two rabbits, I propably couldn't live without bunnies anymore. They are indeed addictive.

Hehe, the little santa hat is precious. I need one of those too :D

YowlYY said...

Thank you for your comment :)
When pet leave it is always distressing... much more so when it is unexpected. Nik went in for a dental, as he did every two months (he grew molar spurs at the very back), and after the treatment, which went well as usual, failed to recover from the anaesthetic. The vet and nurses spent 20 min trying to resuscitate him, but his heart did not start beating again :(
Billie developed breathing issues two days before Nik went to the Bridge...the vet did a blood test and sent me home with panacur, and three days later she passed away on our way to the emergency vet (it was Sunday night). The vet at the clinic thought of a tumour in the final stages, which could not have been diagnosed with a blood test.
She never showed pain and had an excellent appetite until the last day, where she would eat only if hand fed...

Crafty Green Poet said...

Billie's story sounds very like our Anya's - the vet did find the tumour and it was enormous, but she continued to happily eat and dance right up until the day she collapsed and had to be taken to the emergency vet. Our house is empty without her.... I'm happy that you've adopted a new bunny and Hugo dooes look lovely. I'm sure Nik, Billie and Sir Harvey approve...